Businessman Mr. Sulaiman Al-Othaim, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Gold Refinery Company, reviews his rich experience in the field of mines, mining and mineral exploration before officials and businessmen participating in the tenth session of the Arab-Chinese Businessmen Conference and the eighth session of the Investment Symposium hosted by the Kingdom on June 11 under the title ((Cooperation). For prosperity))

This came in response to the invitation received by Professor Sulaiman Al-Othaim from His Excellency the Minister of Investment, Engineer Khalid Al-Falih, as the conference is an important platform for policy makers, CEOs, senior business leaders, and those looking to a better future at the level of relations between China and the Arab region, and an opportunity to discuss, debate, and exchange experiences about the opportunities inherent in vital sectors. Such as energy, trade, industry, mining, food security, and artificial intelligence

The conference comes within the framework of the efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to diversify the economy that relies heavily on oil, and the world’s view of Riyadh has changed after its strategic shift towards discovering and extracting minerals and metals, within the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 launched by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to support the diversification of the economy.

It is noteworthy that Professor Sulaiman Al-Othaim is famous for his movement in the mining sector and concluding strategic partnerships and investing in them locally and internationally, as he focuses on the importance of mixing experiences in the mining sector and strengthening its presence in the Kingdom through qualitative and distinguished participation in bringing in international companies and in cooperation to raise local knowledge in The field of mining to reach the ranks of developed countries in all metallic minerals, industrial and rare equipment, and others in order to achieve supply chains and serve local and global content, as it is believed that attending international events and conferences has a significant and effective impact on the prosperity of the mining sector with all national and international companies.